

People have different reasons for not leaveing their home for a gym. Together with Sanna we built a service where you can get fit at home with easy to follow videos, progress tracking, healthy recepies and motivational tools.


The evolution of workouts

Sanna used to send emails with youtube links to her clients. When Sanna turned to us we built her a custom built Wordpress solution. As this really made her business scalable on a new level and the demands for custom solutions grew, we soon had to switch platforms to a really tailored app using React JS and Laravel PHP.

I took the lead of the project. The main objective was to make everything more smooth and reliable than in the old Wordpress days. The site had grown from a small side project to serious business and needed to be professional while maintaining the personal touch people liked.

My part

During this project, we were still a really small team and I had to wear many hats. So in this project, I did most things by myself. I handled the client and structured meetings. I did the initial strategy and database structure together with my colleagues. Then I did prototypes and UI in Sketch and coded both the front (HTML / SCSS and React JS) and back end (PHP, MySQL and Laravel). My college helped with the Stripe payments and checkout flow. After the project launched I have been the main person to update and maintain the code. I worked closely with the client with a strategy and ideation for new features.

Stripe integration

Making sign up smooth

In the early Wordpress days the sign up was something of a hassle to deal with, with unimportant questions and a really bad boarding. This was one of the main things we needed to fix and we set out to make the signup work in three simple steps with only the necessary fields to make sure the customer gets to do what they want, workouts!

Stripe integration

It’s all about the workout

The main objective for the user was to be able to do their daily workout. At the old site, you were greeted with the whole week’s workouts and that could be overwhelming. So we made today’s workout the first thing you see when you log in so you don’t need to spend time looking for it!


Keep it going

For some, the workout itself is the reward, but some people need extra motivation. So as a nice extra we added some gameification elements to keep those people going. The hearts show your current activity so you have to keep moving every second day to not lose one! Thankfully they can be gained as fast as they are lost, so you can get back into the game.